Part of the Adventures in Baking (AiB) series.

Previously I tried a “perfect brownie” recipe. In the comments section of that original recipe was a recipe for supposed Martha Stewart brownies. We also happened to have a box of Ghiradelli’s triple chocolate brownies. The ultimate verdict was mixed. For me the Giradelli’s was dead last. It tastes good, but it has too much flour for my taste. The Martha Stewart brownie was equally moist and I think it has a nice flavour. You could easily add chocolate chips for more “goo-iness.” The original “perfect” brownie Adele thought was the worst, but I’d place it in the middle. Ideally I would have made a batch of those again, too, on the same day, but there just wasn’t time. If you try multiple recipes, or you have your own favourite brownie recipe, I’d love to hear about it.